Modern DIO formulations are highly purified and typically provide 40 to 60% fat by caloric input. After as little as six weeks on diet, the inbred male C57BL/6 (B6) DIO mouse presents conditions within the metabolic syndrome cluster, including visceral obesity, hyperglycemia, and triglyceridemia. It also develops insulin resistance, an indicator of chronic inflammation that occurs with excessive adiposity. This tried and true model continues to help researchers characterize novel mechanisms implicated in metabolic disease and uncover translational drug targets.
A Promising New Approach to Treating Metabolic Dysfunction
A recent report published in Nature Communications documents an inspired translational breakthrough from scientists at the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in La Jolla2. The study stems from a collaboration between the laboratories of Enrique Saez and Luke Wiseman in the Department of Molecular Medicine. Their teams harnessed the classic DIO B6 mouse to activate a complicated cellular signaling pathway involved in adaptive remodeling to cellular stresses. Through careful pharmacologic manipulation, they induced adaptations that are beneficial to resolving metabolic syndrome, while avoiding triggering maladaptive effects that promote inflammation and cell death if the pathway is overactivated.The IRE1/XBP1s Pathway
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is vulnerable to cellular disturbances arising from lipid overload and inflammation due to obesity. The liver is particularly sensitive to ER stress because hepatocytes are highly secretory cells, producing cholesterol and plasma proteins. The ER contains three embedded sensors that respond to misfolded protein accumulation. Through them, the unfolded protein response (UPR) acts to restore homeostasis, but it can also induce apoptosis if a cell is irremediably damaged.The TSRI teams homed in on one particular sensor and a downstream effector. Inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) is an autoinducing RNAse that mediates unconventional splicing of mRNA for X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1). XBP1s is a transcription factor that enhances ER protein folding, secretion, and autophagy3. This cellular remodeling can restore functionality to a cell under duress. Sustained activation of IRE1, however, signals the cell is past the point of no return. IRE1 then engages in promiscuous degradation of RNA, a phenomenon known as IRE1-dependent decay (RIDD), which depletes microRNA repressors of proapoptotic Caspase-24,5. Persistently activated IRE1 will also directly interact with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2 to initiate a signaling cascade that culminates in apoptosis6. In addition to killing metabolically critical hepatocytes and insulin-producing pancreatic β islet cells, this generates further inflammation that can irreversibly damage liver and pancreatic tissue.
Fine-tuning the UPR Toward Clinical Benefit in the DIO B6 Mouse
The detrimental role of IRE1 hyperactivity in metabolic disease has made it a target for pharmacological treatments geared toward its inhibition7-9. The TSRI scientists approached from a different angle. Appreciating that the relative activities of the three IRE1-regulated pathways are critical in dictating tissue-specific remodeling in the context of obesity-linked diseases, they aimed to show that mild IRE1 activation could actually have therapeutic benefits.The researchers deployed a novel small molecule compound, IXA4, which was uncovered through the Institute's high-throughput screening program for IRE1 activators10. IXA4 is able to induce modest, transient activation of IRE1 without stimulating RIDD or TRAF2 cascades. They treated DIO B6 mice with 50 mg/kg IXA4 daily for 8 weeks in a dosing scheme enabling IRE1 to turn off for periods of time. The compound is also aided by favorable pharmacokinetics, as it reaches a desirable set of tissues including the liver and pancreas.
Interestingly, the DIO B6 mice did not achieve significant weight loss or reductions to serum triglycerides. In spite of this, the mice presented other metabolic endpoints that were demonstrably druggable, showcasing the versatility of this classic model across more granular indications relevant to the pharmacodynamics of an unconventional therapeutic approach. Importantly, the DIO B6 model is affordable, widely accessible through commercial supply chains, and technically simple, offering a low entry barrier to initiate drug candidates through their preclinical development.
What's Next?
They are also keen to point out that early compound characterization, done in collaboration with Dr. Jeff Kelly from the Department of Chemistry, showed IXA4 could decrease secretion of the pathologic amyloid precursor protein cleavage produce amyloid-β10. This, and other published work, suggests potential benefits for IXA4-dependent IRE1/XBP1s activation for neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease.