Transgenic Mice

Launch detailed investigations of gene function with engineered transgene expression in mice or rats. Taconic Biosciences' murine genetics experts have successfully generated over 10,000 founder animals, with a >99% success rate creating transgenic mice and rats.

  • Design constitutive, conditional, and random transgenic animal models to advance your research.
  • Scale cohorts rapidly with RapidEXPANSION™.
  • Go from gene accession number to transgenic mouse in twelve-to-eighteen weeks.

Taconic's transgenic model generation process employs exclusive cell culture and handling robotics to reduce human error, with strict quality control via PCR genotyping, Southern Blot, and transgene mapping analysis.

Mouse in gloved hand

Webinar | Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Critical Decisions in Model Generation: Case Studies and Best Practices for Researchers

In this exclusive webinar, learn why choosing a licensed model provider is crucial and discover Taconic’s unique advantages through case studies highlighting the impact of model generation choices.

Targeted Transgenic Mice

Taconic generates targeted transgenic mouse models via site-specific recombination between an exchange vector and the ROSA26 docking site in ES cells.

  • Insert your murine or human gene of interest without interfering with other gene expression.
  • Overexpress your gene of interest in a conditional fashion.
  • Generate only one well-defined founder line.
  • Achieve high transgene expression levels using the strong CAG promoter.

A conditional version of targeted transgenesis can be generated by the insertion of a CAG promoter and a strong transcriptional termination site, flanked by LoxP sites, 5' to your gene of interest.

Conditional Transgenic Mice

If you work with transgenes that adversely affect mouse development, or need tissue-specific control of transgene expression, consider using conditional transgenic mice in combination with an appropriate Cre-expressing strain.

Random Transgenic Mice

Taconic's custom transgenics program employs pronuclear microinjection technology to generate genetically-modified founder animals.

With pronuclear microinjection, a pre-designed gene (or genes) are injected and randomly integrated into the mouse or rat genome. Multiple transgene copies may be used at the site of insertion to explore gene dosage effects.

Transgenic Mouse Strains

Standard Strains:Special Strains:
B6SJL (F2 hybrid)C57BL/6J
 Other strains upon request


Transgenic Rat Strains

Standard Strain:Special Strains:
Sprague Dawley®Lewis
 Fischer 344
 Long Evans
 Other strains upon reeuest


Cohort Production Package

Taconic's transgenic animal model production package includes:

  • Documentation and verification of PCR-based genotype protocol by Taconic's Molecular Analysis Department.
  • Coordinated transfer of donor males to Taconic's breeding facility in Germantown, NY.
  • Confirmation of genotype of donor males by PCR-based genotyping.
  • RapidEXPANSION™ using C57BL/6NTac donor females.
  • Holding of excess donor males until offspring from RapidEXPANSION™ are weaned.
  • Initial post-rederivation comprehensive health testing (IHMS™-52).
  • PCR based genotyping of rederived offspring.
  • Holding of rederived pups from weaning until ready for shipment (4 weeks) at the Isolator Breeding Solutions facility.
  • Initial cohort of animals ready for shipment beginning at 5 weeks of age.
    • Large package 18-20/sex/genotype
    • Small package 8-10/sex/genotype
    • Genotypes include heterozygous and wild type

Additional package details:

  • Package ends when initial cohort is ready for shipping. Post package breeding and fees will be based on your breeding plan.
  • Package includes initial health testing only; ongoing health testing can be done for an additional charge.
  • Shipping charges from Taconic to customer are not included in package.
  • Package assumes receipt of 4 donor males from Taconic, additional services will be charged at catalog prices.
  • Pricing assumes genetic modification is not sex linked, Mendelian ratios will be obtained, 80% of female breeders will deliver live pups that survive until weaning, and an average litter size of 5 pups. Additional charges may apply if these conditions are not met.

View the Taconic Biosciences' Webinar:

Search Taconic's Model Generation Solutions database by application or model type:

Transgenic Mouse Model Publications:

Henderson CJ , McLaren AW1, Wolf CR2. (2014) In vivo regulation of human glutathione transferase GSTP by chemopreventive agents. Cancer Res. 74(16):4378-87.

Bestas B, Moreno PM, Blomberg KE, Mohammad DK, Saleh AF, Sutlu T, Nordin JZ, Guterstam P, Gustafsson MO, Kharazi S, Piątosa B, Roberts TC, Behlke MA, Wood MJ, Gait MJ, Lundin KE, El Andaloussi S, Månsson R, Berglöf A, Wengel J, Smith CI. (2014) Splice-correcting oligonucleotides restore BTK function in X-linked agammaglobulinemia model. J Clin Invest. 124(9):4067-81.

Waldschmitt N, Berger E, Rath E, Sartor RB3, Weigmann B, Heikenwalder M, Gerhard M, Janssen KP, Haller D. (2014) C/EBP homologous protein inhibits tissue repair in response to gut injury and is inversely regulated with chronic inflammation. Mucosal Immunol. 7(6):1452-66.

Molenaar JJ, Domingo-Fernández R, Ebus ME, Lindner S, Koster J, Drabek K, Mestdagh P, van Sluis P, Valentijn LJ, van Nes J, Broekmans M, Haneveld F, Volckmann R, Bray I, Heukamp L, Sprüssel A, Thor T, Kieckbusch K, Klein-Hitpass L, Fischer M, Vandesompele J, Schramm A, van Noesel MM, Varesio L, Speleman F, Eggert A, Stallings RL, Caron HN, Versteeg R, Schulte JH. (2012) LIN28B induces neuroblastoma and enhances MYCN levels via let-7 suppression. Nat Genet. 44(11):1199-206.

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Experience & Expertise You Can Trust

Taconic Biosciences' model generation team has produced about 5,000 models in the last 15 years, developing a globally-recognized reputation for advancing the work of in vivo researchers. Our scientific program managers are here to help you navigate the complexities of model generation.

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