About the webinar:
Since the 1990s, purified high-fat diets have been used to generate mouse and rat models of obesity. While many variations exist, C57BL/6 mice conditioned on a diet with 60% fat (by kcal) have become a standard model for obesity and metabolic disease studies. In this webinar, you’ll learn about the wide range of uses for the classic DIO B6 model.
The application of DIO mice is much broader than just obesity research. These models are useful for studies across the spectrum of metabolic syndrome phenotypes, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. They’re used for compound screening as well as mechanistic studies. Current trends for DIO mice include the study of obesity as a comorbidity in cancer and other conditions.
Watch this webinar to learn about:
- How the classic DIO mouse is helping to fuel cutting-edge research on the ways obesity impacts cancer and other diseases
- How DIO B6 models are helping researchers to develop new treatments for a wide range of indications
- Key differences between available DIO models, related to substrain and other factors