More Models, More Often: Taconic Expands California Deliveries for Greater Flexibility

Twice-weekly delivery of many more models to California allows researchers to obtain the mice and rats they need with less lead time

As demand for our industry-leading rodent models grows, Taconic is committed to ensuring the capacity and flexibility to meet investigators' needs in the timeframes that work best for them. That's why we recently expanded our deliveries to California--enabling researchers there to obtain more Taconic models, more often, to suit their study timelines and objectives.

Expanded Production + More Frequent Delivery

Taconic recognizes that drug discovery research is dynamic, with study timelines and lab animal needs evolving as conditions change. Investigators don't often have the luxury of extended lead times when ordering lab mice and rats.

By significantly expanding the capacity of our Cambridge City, Indiana production facility--and delivering from this site more frequently--Taconic can now provide more models, more often, with very little lead time, to research facilities in California. That means greater flexibility in planning, ordering, and receiving lab animals at your facilities.

Based on our new trucking routes, Tuesday deliveries to California have an order cutoff of the preceding Thursday at 12:00pm Pacific Time, and Thursday deliveries must be ordered by the preceding Friday at 12:00pm Pacific Time.

Faster Access to a Wide Range of Models

Taconic ships a wide variety of mouse and rat models to California from a 5,960-square-foot production facility on our Cambridge City campus, including next-generation NOG mice, standard immunodeficient mice, and other standard strains. With a total future capacity of 5,000 cages, this production site is equipped to serve the fast-growing demand for Taconic models in the western half of the country.

Models now available for twice-weekly delivery to California research facilities include:

Along with bringing many more models closer to the US west coast, Taconic is also bringing our scientific expertise and support closer to California researchers. Our local team of scientific experts can help you select the best model for your study, advise on your study design, and provide guidance on animal care and husbandry to minimize environmental stressors and assure reliable study outcomes.

If you'd like to learn more about Taconic's expanded deliveries to California, please fill out this form.