Model No. | Nomenclature | Genotype |
4245 | B6.SJL-Tg(Lck-tTA)1Dim N10 | Inquire for genotype |
Nomenclature: B6.SJL-Tg(Lck-tTA)1Dim N10
The C57BL/6-TgN(LTH-1) line is carrier for a transgene expressing an lck proximal promoter driving a tetracycline-sensitive TetR-VP16 transactivator (lck-tTA). The lck-tTA vector is active only in lymphoid organs, except for a weak signal in the ovaries. More precisely, the transcripts are localized to T lineage cells. There is a strong expression in thymocyctes starting at the earliest double negative stage, and a weaker expression in peripheral T cells. The TgN(LTH-1) mouse can be mated to other transgenic mice containing cDNA(s) of interest under the control of a (minimal) promoter augmented by several TeT-O sequences. Thus, the expression of tTA in T cells will turn on transcription of the second cDNA at the same time as the expression of lck and this transactivation is susceptible to inhibition by tetracycline in a temporal and quantitative fashion.
This model is no longer available.Origin
The LTH-1 transgenic mouse was established by N. Labrecque et al. at the Insitut de Genetique et de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire, CNRS, INSERM/ULP in Strasbourg, France. The tTA coding region was excised from the plasmid of pUHD15-1, subcloned in pBlueScript and a stretch encoding tTA was removed as a SpeI-EcoRV fragment and blunted. This fragment was then cloned into the filled-in BamHI site of plasmid p1017 containing the Lck proximal promoter and human growth hormone intron/exon and polyadenylation sequences. A 6.4 kb NotI fragment of the Lck-tTA was microinjected into B6SJLF2 fertilized eggs and the transgene was identified by PCR. Mice that had been backcrossed 8 times to C57BL/6NTac were transferred to the NIAID repository at Taconic in 2002. After expansion, N9 donors were embryo rederived to C57BL/6NTac females. Subsequent heterozygotes were identified by PCR and intracrossed. The N10 homozygous mice were identified by progeny testing.
This model is cryopreserved and available for recovery. Models can typically be recovered and delivered to customers within 12 weeks after order receipt. Purchase of this model includes perpetual use rights and a deliverable of four mutant animals at the Murine Pathogen Free™ health standard along with a genotyping protocol. For models which include a recombinase gene or multiple alleles, all alleles will be provided, but individual animals may not contain all mutant alleles.
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Initial Publication:
Labrecque N, Whitfield LS, Obst R, Waltzinger C. Benoist C, and Mathis D. How much TCR does a T cell need? Immunity 2001; 15:71-82.
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