Adapting Your Preclinical Animal Model Strategies for a New World

In the wake of COVID-19, investigators in the commercial and nonprofit sectors are facing heightened pressure to accelerate drug discovery and speed time to market with efficacious therapies, while maintaining high quality and operating within constrained budgets. In an article in International Biopharmaceutical Industry, Dr. Austin Jelcick of Taconic Biosciences reviews the post-COVID trends reshaping the drug discovery landscape, how research organizations are pivoting, and the model generation, breeding, and colony management strategies that can help researchers meet the evolving requirements of a new world:

Animal care technician holding a caged model"For most organizations, time, cost, and quality are key factors that influence strategic decisions. For commercial and nonprofit organizations engaged in drug discovery and development, the situation is no different. A successful research pipeline demands balancing all three levers--a task that's become more critical, yet more difficult in the current business environment.

When determining which tasks to take on internally vs. outsource, animal breeding is often one of the biggest question marks. The most important factors in this decision include access to staff with the necessary skillsets and experience, scope and capacity of animal housing facilities, quality control processes, genotyping and molecular analysis capabilities, the ability to maintain models at different health statuses, and total cost."
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