Human 15q13.3 Deletion [Df(h15q13)/+] Mouse

Human 15q13.3 deletion [Df(h15q13)/+] mouse
  • Cryopreserved
  • Mouse
  • Male Only
  • Black
  • Not available for direct purchase by CRO
Model No.NomenclatureGenotype
10962C57BL/6-Del(7Chrna7-Mtmr15)1TacInquire for genotype
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Nomenclature: C57BL/6-Del(7Chrna7-Mtmr15)1Tac

  • Carries a genomic deletion of a region of mouse chromosome 7 that corresponds to human chromosome region 15q13.3.
  • In humans, hemizygous deletion of chromosome 15q13.3 confers high risk of schizophrenia, autism, and epilepsy in human patients
  • Schizophrenia related phenotype: EEG characterization revealed auditory processing deficits similar to those observed in schizophrenia. They have impaired long-term spatial reference memory and decreased performance in the novel object recognition task.
  • Epilepsy related phenotype: Human 15q13.3 deletion mice show changes in neuronal excitability in acute seizure assays, with increased propensity to develop myoclonic and absence-line seizures; decreased propentisty for clonic and tonic seizures.
  • Useful as a model of schizophrenia-like pathology and studying the underlying biology of schizophrenia, epilepsy, and other neural circuit defects associated with 15q13.3 deletion in humans
Orders by weight: Taconic cannot accept orders by weight for this model. Please note that shipments may contain animals with a larger weight variation.


The Df(h15q13)/+ mouse line was developed for H. Lundbeck A/S at Taconic Biosciences GmbH (Cologne, Germany). Two targeting vectors were generated using bacterial artificial chromosome clones from the C57BL/6J RPCI-23 library and transfected into TaconicArtemis C57BL/6N Tac embryonic stem cell line. The first vector introduced a loxP site upstream of the Chrna7 gene. The second vector introduced a loxP site downstream of the Fan1 gene. Homologous recombinant clones were isolated and the 1.28 megabase region on mouse chromosome 7 between the loxP sites was removed using in vitro Cre-mediated recombination. Hemizygotic embryonic stem cells were injected into blastocysts isolated from impregnated BALB/c female mice and transferred to pseudopregnant NMRI female mice. Chimeric male pups were selected by coat color and mated with wild-type C57BL/6 female mice. Finally, a chimera with germline transmission was selected for expansion breeding. The colony was maintained by mating wild-type C57BL/6N mice with hemizygous Df(h15q13)/+ mice.

This model is cryopreserved and available for recovery. Models can typically be recovered and delivered to customers within 14-16 weeks after order receipt. Purchase of this model includes perpetual use rights and a deliverable of four mutant animals at the Murine Pathogen Free™ health standard along with a genotyping protocol. For models which include a recombinase gene or multiple alleles, all alleles will be provided, but individual animals may not contain all mutant alleles.

Taconic’s Colony Management experts can design a plan to grow your colony faster.


Strain Type:Inbred
Allele Type:Constitutive Knockout
Coat Color:Black
Genetic Background:C57BL/6

Guides & Publications

Initial Publication: 

Fejgin K, Nielsen J, Birknow MR, Bastlund JF, Nielsen V, Lauridsen JB, Stefansson H, Steinberg S, Sorensen HB, Mortensen TE, Larsen PH, Klewe IV, Rasmussen SV, Stefansson K, Werge TM, Kallunki P, Christensen KV, Didriksen M. (2014) A mouse model that recapitulates cardinal features of the 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome including schizophrenia- and epilepsy-related alterations. Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Jul 15;76(2):128-37.

Applications & Therapeutic Areas

  • Epilepsy
  • Neuroscience
  • Psychiatric Disorders

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Human 15q13.3 Deletion [Df(h15q13)/+] Mouse

Customers may purchase this model by signing the appropriate Terms of Sale (below) and providing a PO.
This model is sold under terms which grant perpetual use rights.

Pricing - USD


Cryopreserved Model$29,400.00$17,325.00

Cryopreserved models are invoiced upon shipment of recovered animals. Once orders are placed, the full purchase price will be applied if the order is canceled. For orders greater than 4 animals, please contact Taconic for options.

Fees for Taconic Transit Cages™ and freight are in addition to the price above.

Pricing - EUR


Cryopreserved Model€26.250,00€15.855,00

Cryopreserved models are invoiced upon shipment of recovered animals. Once orders are placed, the full purchase price will be applied if the order is canceled. For orders greater than 4 animals, please contact Taconic for options.

Fees for Taconic Transit Cages™ and freight are in addition to the price above.

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