DDNews highlights Taconic Biosciences' Dr. Michael Seiler due to his expertise and knowledge of the model huNOG-EXL:
"According to Dr. Michael Seiler, associate director of genetically engineered models design and precision research models at Taconic Biosciences, "The major challenge in bridging clinical efficacy in drug development is predicting efficacy from animal models. We need a model that predicts human immunology, so we have created a uniquely suitable host for human immune cells to grow, repopulate and become functional within a human system."
Taconic, a global provider of genetically engineered rodent models and services, has launched the huNOG-EXL to meet this challenge." Read the complete article at: DDN-News.com

Taconic, a global provider of genetically engineered rodent models and services, has launched the huNOG-EXL to meet this challenge."