Genetically-engineered models: the value of precious GEMs

The Fall 2018 issue of Drug Discovery World features an article written by Taconic Biosciences' Dr. Megan MacBride on the value of genetically-engineered mouse (GEMs) models. However, MacBride mentions very clearly that despite their practicality, multiple patents can cover GEMs and it is important to understand the unique issues behind designing these custom models. She goes on to state that "a single GEM may be covered by multiple patents. For example, the technology used to generate the genetic modification may be patented. Patents may cover methods used in the model, such as a reporter system":

"Genetically-engineered animal models (GEMs) are critical tools for drug discovery and development, but intellectual property (IP) concerns can complicate access. As pharma and biotech increasingly outsource R&D activities to universities, careful scrunity is required to ensure adherence to IP restrictions on research tools across those collaborative activities. As demonstrated by recent high-profile lawsuits, the stakes are higher than ever for all parties."
Read the complete article at: Drug Discovery World