DDNews features Dr. Megan MacBride in this composition due to her expertise in regards to how the role of mouse models have advanced oncology research and tumor heterogeneity:
"It's summer and your family has decided to take a cottage vacation. Without television, internet or cell service, the nights are quiet; too quiet for the kids. Scrounging for activities, you find an old jigsaw puzzle and hope that all the pieces are still there.
At first, the kids don't buy into it; but after assembling one edge and a chunk down the middle, they become more engrossed in the activity. And just as everyone finally goes for broke, something odd happens: the picture changes."
Read the complete article at: DDN-News.com

At first, the kids don't buy into it; but after assembling one edge and a chunk down the middle, they become more engrossed in the activity. And just as everyone finally goes for broke, something odd happens: the picture changes."