Science features Taconic Biosciences' Jennifer Phelan in this write-up due to her knowledge of how mouse microbiota impacts studies:
"In the first experiment, Laura McCabe's lab seemed to hit a home run. The physiologist and her team at Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing were testing how a certain drug affects bone density, and they found that treated lab mice lost bone compared with controls. "I was thinking, 'Hey, great! Let's repeat it one more time to be certain,'" McCabe recalls.
They ordered a seemingly identical batch of mice--same strain, same vendor--and kept them under the same conditions: same type of cage, same bedding, same room. This time, however, treated mice gained bone density." Read the complete article at:

They ordered a seemingly identical batch of mice--same strain, same vendor--and kept them under the same conditions: same type of cage, same bedding, same room. This time, however, treated mice gained bone density."