Betting on the Bug, Part III: Leveraging the Microbiome to Generate New Models

The more investigators learn about the microbiome, the more it becomes clear that it impacts both disease development and treatment. Taconic Biosciences' Dr. Alexander Maue took an in-depth look at the microbiome's role in drug discovery in a three-part series for International Biopharmaceutical Industry. Part 1 explored the microbiome's impact on study reproducibility and translatability. Part 2 reviewed how the microbiome can alter therapeutic effectiveness and clinical outcomes. In this final installment, Dr. Maue discusses several novel models that leverage the microbiome to increase reproducibility and predictability:

Microscrope examining“By tailoring the microbiome, investigators can utilize germ-free models associated with a minimal bacterial community. A minimal community would be helpful in evaluating potential therapies in a disease model dependent on having microbiota present, such as spontaneous colitis in an interleukin-10 deficient mouse.”
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