Nobel Awarded to Immuno-Oncology Pioneers

Jennifer Phelan
Friday, December 7th, 2018
Nobel Awarded to Immuno-Oncology Pioneers The 2018 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their contributions in the field of Immuno-Oncology. The Immuno-Oncology revolution has improved quality of life and decreased cancer mortality rates, though cancer remains the second leading cause of death worldwide.

Immuno-Oncology Databases

A variety of models played key roles in the development of cancer therapies, such as xenograft and syngeneic mouse models. Taconic Biosciences is pleased to announce new research tools to help you select appropriate models for your study:

  • The Syngeneic Cell Line Database — employ this database of published references to help you identify tumor cell lines and associated background strains in selecting the most appropriate model for your study.
  • The Xenograft Cell Line Database — utilize the database of published references to help select the most appropriate model for your research.
Taconic's Smart Select Program When you find your model, or models, you can run a pilot study for free:
  • Take advantage of our Smart Select Program. Smart Select is a complimentary animal model trial program allowing you to trial up to 20 animals in your facility at no cost to your organization. Learn more today.
taconic biosciences' webinar Watch the Taconic Biosciences' Webinar:

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Taconic Biosciences' model generation team has produced about 5,000 models in the last 15 years, developing a globally-recognized reputation for advancing the work of in vivo researchers. Our scientific program managers are here to help you navigate the complexities of model generation.

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