Our Order Form and New Customer Application are temporarily unavailable. While we investigate the issue, please email info@taconic.com with your request.

New Customer Application

This form is to be completed by companies/institutions who wish to purchase products and services from Taconic Biosciences. There are four major components: animal welfare information, company/institution information, shipping information, and billing information. All required fields are marked with an asterisk *

  • 1. Animal Welfare Information

    What do you plan to order:

    Tissue collections, feces, TTCs, cryopreservation services

    Including Custom Model Generation and Colony Management Solutions

    If you are planning to design or breed your animal model with Taconic, but have not yet selected a CRO for shipment of live animals, please select that you plan to order "Products" and your Taconic account will be setup without live animal shipment options until you have selected a CRO and provide Veterinarian contact information.

    Special approval from Taconic Veterinary Science services is required to receive a live animal shipment.

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  • 2. Company or Institution Information

    Is the Shipping information the same as the Company/Institution information?
    Prefered Method of Contact:
    Research Location:
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  • 3. Shipping Address Information

    Is the Billing information the same as the Company/Institution information?
    Is the Billing information the same as the Shipping information?
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  • 4. Billing Address Information

    Tax Exempt (US ONLY):

    ***Payment terms will be confirmed following review by Taconic's Finance Team***

    Taconic needs the contact information you provide in this form to respond to your request. For details please see our Privacy Policy

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